
Hi, I’m Francesca, the face of the healthymumway!

I'm Francesca, an Italian mother of three.

I'd like to share the story behind my food blogging journey and the reasons of my passion for healthy eating.

In 2010, when my daughter was just one year old, I received the devastating diagnosis of invasive stage 2 breast cancer. It was a life-altering moment, filled with tears and fears. I watched my dreams of a big family shatter as chemotherapy could threaten my fertility, making it unlikely for me to become a mother again.

Those challenging months forced me to reevaluate life, and I began looking into nutrition to support my healing process and strengthen my immune system. After enduring a year of therapies, a miraculous unexpected pregnancy brought hope and joy into my life.

With my second child, my interest in natural health grew, leading to a significant shift in my dietary choices. This transformation inspired me to create @healthymumway, where I started sharing wholesome recipes that embraced more vegetables and healing foods for families.

I introduced my kids to a variety of foods, encouraging them to appreciate vegetables and fruits. Colorful food platters and creative dishes like focaccia art became my way of promoting healthy eating among children.

However, life took another unexpected turn again when in 2019 I was diagnosed with DCIS in the same breast and encouraged to undertake a preventive surgery. Those were the challenging times of the Covid pandemic too. As I struggled with the idea of accepting another surgery which would have totally transformed the look of my body, a new miraculous pregnancy came to save me one more time and to give me the strength to face more difficult times.

Moreover being in my forties and in the middle of lockdown, this third pregnancy brought lots of physical challenges and meant also more weight gain for me.

Because of my breast cancer history, I knew being overweight could put me at more risk of a relapse so I decided that I had to loose weight and take care of myself more.

I couldn't find an effective diet which would work and fit into this mum’s busy lifestyle. Until I stumbled upon Weight Watchers.

This program transformed my life, helping me shed around 22 kilos in just six months by making small but essential changes to my eating habits. That's when my page shifted focus towards sharing Weight Watchers recipes, low-calorie meal ideas, and tips to support weight loss journeys.

You'll also find ideas for nourishing kids' diets because early exposure to diverse foods promote lifelong healthy eating habits. After all, we are what we eat, and instilling these habits from a young age not only supports growth and immunity but also teaches the vital role food plays in our overall health.